Tuesday, March 21, 2006


No word in the dictionary can describe the feeling of having freedom in forgetting fathoms of school requirements, projects, assignments, quizzes, and exams for awhile. School break is just what my stressed body needs. Although I'm presently planning my strategy in studying for the two sets of comprehensive exams that I will be taking this May, I am doing my very best to give an ample time for myself to enjoy. Here are the simple things that I've been enjoying eating lately:

CHOCOLATE SUNDAE @ JOLLIBEE. Nyay... I just can't resist the temptation of goin' loco over this choco. This 27-peso zert of Jollibee temporarily cools my mind and makes me forget the reminders of our chorale director on how to take care of my voice in two minutes. (Sssshhhh... don't dare tell him I'm eating sundae, okay? Hahahah)

CHICKEN BARBECUE @ GATE TWO. For only P12.00 per serving, my body has been rejoicing lately welcoming meat into my world. When you're in AUP, chicken, fish, and beef are like diamonds. They're so precious that you'll trade anything just to have a bite of those.

CHOCNUT. Aaaahhhhhhhh.... the taste of this choco-peanut sweet is indeed very sweet but its just undeniably irrestible. I just don't know why. It's just DELICIOUS.


  1. Hello VJ! Nice blog entry dude! I'm one of your admirers... (",)Ang cute and talented mo kc.

  2. hi vj! glad ur enjoying ur summer vacation (ud mis the feeling wen u start working.. wla n kc summer vacation), tho stressed 2 bout ur upcoming compre but i beliv ud pass.. God is good..
    i dont know u write well, hev i known i shud hev requested u to write something bour our wedding..(thanks for coming)

    keep me posted God bless!


  3. ohhhhhhh cmon!!!!!????????????

    oh well!! guluck sa compre!! you can do it!! thers no way you gona fail okie!! just do the work and let God do the rest okie!!!!

    im praying for you!!!!!!!!

  4. hey, vj dear!! i know ur so engrossed wid ur review for those terrible 2 Compre Exams..hehe

    gudluck tlga..and dont 4get my reminders ha? try to resist mental block..hehe..

    i believe u can do it..u hav all d tym..
    always rmembr, "its nver a failure unless u didnt dare try.."

    gudluck frend!!my prayers are always wid u! mmmmmmwwwwaaahhhhh!!!

  5. Hi Vj! it's me Nickie ur very serious "romate". i really like reading your blogs! promise. this is my first time actually, i was so amazed of how u deal with the difficulties that u have face last summer and at the same time enjoying life to its fullest(ehemm!). For me ur an inspiration!!!!!!!!! Even though i didnt realize it before but i do now. forgive me for all my pagkukulang, yeah im just a human like u imperfect! and full of tendencies(you know). Trust me ur in the right track to success! God bless! & more Power!
